Thursday, March 11, 2010


See my prezi about luge


  1. Your project is great!
    Two things:
    Your Prezi needs to be embeded into your blog not just linked.
    Attributions need to be for EACH photograph!
    You also need to write correct citations for where the material came from.

  2. Emily, I loved your Prezi!! Thanks for following Mrs. Gende's recommendations; however, I still do not see attributions for where the material and information came from. Thanks for embedding the Prezi in your Blog. Sometimes the words were cut off, but because it was linked, I could still read them. One thing: I think that on the "History of Luge" section on the Prezi you mean "delivery" not "deliver". Besides that, I think that your Prezi was of perfect length and was very interesting. Great job!!!

  3. Thank you so much for your comment Chris! It really helped with the final presentation of my prezi. I will fix that one word. But I do not know how make it so it does not cut off. Also my attributions are at the very end right after the fun facts. Thank you again so much for all of your help!

  4. oh just kidding about the attributions I see what you mean now sorry!
